What's the reason why people often fart

Tianya Traveler Ask questions at 05:20:56, 2024-05-30
Recommended answer

If you often fart and the fart is still smelly, the reason is that you often eat too much meat because you don't pay attention to your diet, or too much protein causes food retention in your intestines, and then you digest and decompose to produce too much ammonia. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to diet, reduce the intake of meat and protein. It is suggested to eat more dietary fiber, drink more water and exercise more to shorten the digestion time of food in the intestinal tract, so as to reduce the phenomenon of frequent and smelly farting. Another kind of situation is constipation, because the night stool leads to a very smelly phenomenon of farting, and constipation leads to the feces being stored in the intestinal tract for too long, and there is too much toxin, which leads to a very smelly phenomenon of farting. Therefore, we need to pay attention to diet, drink more water and exercise at ordinary times. In addition, we can take prebiotics such as lactulose orally. Because lactulose is difficult to be absorbed by the human body, it can absorb water in the gastrointestinal tract after entering the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in increased water in the intestine, promoting the excretion of stool, and thus changing the phenomenon of smelly exhaust. In addition, probiotics can be taken orally to regulate the intestinal flora, reduce the reproduction of harmful bacteria, reduce the generation of harmful gases in the intestinal tract, and improve the stinky phenomenon of farting.

Tianya Traveler 2024-06-03 12:38:27

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