Function of Niuhuang Zhibao Pill

Half a cigarette Ask questions at 19:44:26, May 21, 2024
Recommended answer

It can clear away heat, detoxify, purge fire and defecate. Niuhuang Zhibao Pill is a traditional Chinese medicine honey pill preparation, which is composed of 12 Chinese medicines, namely, forsythia suspensa, gardenia jasminoides, rhubarb, mirabilite, gypsum, artemisia annua, tangerine peel, wood incense, patchouli, artificial bezoar, borneol, and realgar. It has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, purging fire and defecating. It can be used for headache, dizziness, red eyes, tinnitus, dry mouth, dry throat, dry stool, etc. caused by gastrointestinal heat accumulation. Mainly used for constipation, headache and tinnitus. Notes for instructions: 1 Use cautiously for those with spleen and stomach deficiency, cold and constipation. 2. This product should not be taken for a long time, and should be used with caution if the liver and kidney functions are not complete. 3. Avoid spicy, fragrant, dry and irritating food. 4. Remove wax and plastic spherical shell before taking. 5. Do not swallow the whole pill.

Half a cigarette 2024-05-27 10:32:12

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