What are some smart ways to get rid of fur balls

Cold light bamboo shadow Ask questions at 15:45:23, June 29, 2024
Recommended answer

1. Use a roller to stick hair. They are generally available in the laundry area of supermarkets, textile stores or pet stores. Tear off the outer package on the roller, paste it directly on the clothes, and roll it up and down. After a while, you may find that the stickiness of the drum is not very strong. Then you can tear off the outermost layer, and the next side is a new one. Finally, just repeat it until it is cleaned.

2. The adhesive paper on the drum gluing machine is used up, so you can buy a replacement. Of course, you can also buy a new hair gluer directly. The drum tacker is not only replaceable, but also reusable. The principle is that there is a layer of glue on it, which can stick the hair off the clothes. When the drum gets dirty, just wash it with water and soap, and then dry it.

3. In addition to using a rolling pin, you can also wrap tape directly around your hands. Cut a piece of tape slightly longer than twice the width of the palm. Then, when the fingers are close together, there is still a sticky side outside. Wrap the tape around the fingers. Stick the ends of the tape together and fix them. Then directly tap the position to be cleaned with the hand wrapped with tape. If it is found that the adhesive tape is not strong enough, turn the tape around, turn the unused tape on the back of the hand to the palm of the hand, and then continue to use it.

4. Find some wider tape and tear off a section, which is about several inches long. Along the grain of the clothes, generally up and down, align the sticky side with the clothes and stick it to the place where the hair needs to be removed. Smooth the tape with your fingers and then remove it. The wider the tape, the larger the adhesive area. So try to find a wider tape to see if there is one about 5cm long.

5. Consider buying an electric hair ball trimmer. There are rechargeable and battery mounted ones. After turning on the switch, close the trimming mouth of the trimmer to the clothes and carefully slide along the clothes. After trimming, open the waste slot of the trimmer and pour the cut hair balls into the garbage.

6. Buy a pumice stone or a wool ball stone for sweaters, and grind the wool or the wool ball off the sweaters. When using, follow the lines of the sweater and do not rub it at will. And it is necessary to control the force, not to exert too much force, or repeatedly rub on the same part. The pumice can wipe off the surface layer of the fabric. If you keep grinding a place, you may grind a hole.

Cold light bamboo shadow 2024-07-01 10:35:11

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