What is the largest salt water lake in China

restart Ask questions on 2024-06-07 18:04:36
Recommended answer

The largest salt water lake in China is Qinghai Lake.

Located in the northwest of Qinghai Province, Qinghai Lake is the largest inland salt lake in China and the highest salt lake in the world. The Qinghai Lake covers an area of about 4500 square kilometers, and its deepest point is about 30 meters. The water source of Qinghai Lake mainly comes from the surrounding rivers and rainfall, and is also recharged by groundwater.

Qinghai Lake is an important freshwater resource and an important ecological environment protection area in China. The ecological environment of the lake area is fragile, and the lake water pollution and ecological damage are also becoming increasingly serious. In order to protect the ecological environment of Qinghai Lake, the Chinese government has taken a number of measures, including restricting the development of the lake area and strengthening pollution control.

restart 2024-06-11 11:34:34

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