What's wrong with men's left flank pain

have a blurred vision Ask questions on May 12, 2024-10:09:15
Recommended answer

In general, the pain and discomfort symptoms on the left side of the waist of men are mainly caused by muscle strain or trauma, which causes overstretched muscle stimulation, leading to corresponding soft tissue damage. Most of them are due to the current discomfort caused by long-term fixed posture, cold, repeated stretching and stimulation. It can be examined by the pain department and acupuncture department, and differentiated from ureteral stones. External plaster treatment, hot compress physiotherapy, massage, oral non steroidal analgesics and other ways of symptomatic treatment. At ordinary times, pay attention to keeping the waist warm, avoid fixing the position for a long time, and combine work with rest.

have a blurred vision 2024-05-13 11:05:10

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