Treatment of mild arteriosclerosis

Calm as a chrysanthemum Ask on 2024-04-24 02:53:25
Recommended answer

Patients with mild arteriosclerosis can be treated with drugs. It includes lipid-lowering drugs, such as simvastatin, atorvastatin, lovastatin, or drugs using high-purity fish oil and niacin. Also, we should use antiplatelet drugs together to prevent thrombosis, including aspirin; Anticoagulant drugs, including low molecular weight heparin, should also be used. Patients with mild arteriosclerosis should also pay attention to the rules of diet and daily life. In particular, we should pay attention to diet conditioning. We should strictly control the intake of sodium salt in food. The daily amount of salt per person should be controlled within six grams. We should also pay attention to avoiding eating foods that are high in fat and cholesterol.

Calm as a chrysanthemum 2024-04-28 11:16:40

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