Cavity type pulmonary tuberculosis symptoms

The most handsome old man Ask questions at 11:19:29, May 31, 2024
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Cavity type pulmonary tuberculosis mostly has disseminated bronchial lesions and many clinical symptoms, such as fever, cough, expectoration, hemoptysis, etc. Patients with cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis often excrete bacteria in sputum. After effective chemotherapy, the cavity is not closed, but the sputum is negative for many times for a long time. The cavity wall is covered by fibrous tissue or epithelial tissue, and is diagnosed as purification cavity. However, some patients still have some cheese tissue left in the cavity, and the sputum has been negative for many times for a long time. The clinical diagnosis of open bacterial negative syndrome requires regular follow-up. Another kind of fibrocavitary pulmonary tuberculosis is characterized by a long course of disease, repeated progress, deterioration, serious destruction of lung tissue, serious impairment of lung function, bilateral or unilateral fibrous thick walled cavities and extensive fibrous hyperplasia, resulting in the elevation of the pulmonary hilum and the appearance of weeping willow like lung markings. Pulmonary tissue shrinks, mediastinum shifts to the affected side, pleural adhesion and compensatory emphysema are common.

The most handsome old man 2024-06-03 12:36:14

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