What to eat for patients with advanced lung cancer

Morning rain and dew Ask questions at 22:40:09, May 26, 2024
Recommended answer

Patients with advanced lung cancer may have cough, expectoration, fever, and dyspnea. In addition, with the development of the disease, cachexia may occur, and patients may suffer from emaciation. In this case, proper nutrition should be strengthened. Patients with advanced lung cancer should eat more foods rich in high-quality protein, such as mutton, pork, chicken, eggs, milk, bean products, etc., because these foods contain rich high-quality protein, easy to be absorbed by the human body, and can supplement the essential amino acids needed by the human body. In addition, patients with lung cancer also need to eat more green vegetables and fresh fruits, such as spinach, celery, rape, cabbage, apple, banana, kiwi fruit. These vegetables and fruits are all OK. Eating some properly can supplement vitamins and dietary fiber. In addition, patients with advanced lung cancer should pay attention to, Don't eat spicy food such as ginger, pepper, garlic, pepper, etc. In addition, patients with advanced lung cancer should also pay attention to rest, avoid fatigue, pay attention to window ventilation, and avoid indoor bacteria breeding.

Morning rain and dew 2024-05-27 11:18:58

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