What's the reason for the pain of swimming all over

Siyue Ask questions at 18:55:56 on April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

The wandering pain all over the body may be caused by the following reasons: First, it may be caused by neurosis, that is, somatization disorder. After various auxiliary examinations, no obvious lesions can be found, and the possibility of somatization disorder is relatively large. This is a psychological disorder, manifested in physical discomfort, which can be treated with anti anxiety and anti depression drugs. Second, it may also be caused by peripheral nerve diseases, such as diabetic peripheral nerve diseases. This kind of neurological disease may cause multiple pain. The examination of EMG can see the corresponding manifestations of nerve damage. Third, we should also pay attention to whether there are rheumatic and immune diseases. If you have rheumatic immune disease, there will be pain in many parts of the body. You should test the indicators related to rheumatism.

Siyue 2024-04-28 18:10:37

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