Carbohydrate content of rice 100g

Time teaches you to see everyone clearly Ask questions on June 5, 2024-00:39:27
Recommended answer

The carbohydrate content of white rice is about 77-80g/100g, while that of brown rice is slightly lower, about 70-73g/100g. This is because brown rice retains more germ and bran layer than white rice, which contains more dietary fiber and other nutrients, which will affect the content of carbohydrates.

It should be noted that the carbohydrate content of rice is not completely fixed, and it will be affected by many factors, such as variety, cooking method, preservation method, etc. For example, the carbohydrate content of cooked rice may be slightly higher, because the addition of water may make rice absorb more carbohydrates. If rice is refrigerated or frozen, its starch will be decomposed into soluble sugar, thus increasing the content of carbohydrates.

In general, the carbohydrate content of rice is about 70-80g/100g, but the specific content will vary due to various factors. For people who need to control their carbohydrate intake, they can choose brown rice or reduce their rice intake to achieve the goal.

Time teaches you to see everyone clearly 2024-06-11 11:35:59

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