Can esophageal tumor be cured

understanding Ask questions at 11:51:12, May 23, 2024
Recommended answer

Whether esophageal tumors can be cured depends on the nature of the tumor and the degree of disease development. Most esophageal tumors can be cured. Esophageal tumors can be divided into benign tumors and malignant tumors. The treatment of benign tumors is relatively simple and can be temporarily observed when there are no symptoms. If some related clinical symptoms have been caused, it can be treated by surgery and other methods, and the prognosis is relatively good. If it is esophageal malignant tumor, most patients can also obtain a survival period of more than 5 years if they are treated early. However, it is very difficult to cure malignant tumors if they have developed to the middle and late stages.

understanding 2024-05-27 11:21:40

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