What kind of medicine should be used to treat leukorrhea with inflammation

The Sound of Nature Ask on 2024-06-02 10:57:03
Recommended answer

Leucorrhea has inflammation. The kind of drug to be used mainly depends on the type of pathogenic bacteria causing inflammation. Different types of pathogenic bacteria use different drugs. For example, for mold infection, azole antifungal drugs such as clotrimazole, miconazole and nystatin are often used. If bacterial vaginosis and trichomonal vaginitis occur, take more metronidazole and tinidazole for treatment. If mycoplasma infection occurs, azithromycin should be used more frequently. For gonococcal infection, cephalosporins are often used for treatment. Therefore, when leucorrhea is inflamed, we should first check the secretion to understand the types of pathogenic bacteria, and then select appropriate anti-inflammatory drugs for treatment. During the treatment, we should pay attention to the vulva health and avoid sexual life. After treatment, we can check the vaginal secretion to know the treatment effect.

The Sound of Nature 2024-06-03 12:24:12

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