What items should be checked for urinary tract infection

Wind chasing fireworks rain Ask on 2024-06-02 20:26:08
Recommended answer

Urinary tract infection examination items mainly include two aspects: routine urine test and urine culture. Routine urine examination mainly includes urine sediment analysis, white blood cells, red blood cells and urine PH value, etc. Determine whether the patient has acidic or alkaline urine according to the urine PH value, and then carry out specific symptomatic treatment. Whether the patient has urinary system infection can be determined by the detection of positive white blood cells through routine urine examination. If the positive white blood cells confirm the existence of infection, antibiotics should be used for treatment. Urine culture examination is mainly to find out what kind of bacteria causes urinary tract infection, and then select sensitive and effective antibiotics for treatment according to drug sensitivity test, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Wind chasing fireworks rain 2024-06-03 12:33:14

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