How to treat pharyngitis quickly

No trace of water Ask questions at 10:04:59 on April 21, 2024
Recommended answer

Acute pharyngitis, without systemic symptoms or with mild symptoms. It can be used locally as a gargle with cleaning and bactericidal effects on the oral cavity. Various buccal tablets and Chinese patent medicines can be selected as appropriate, and oral antiviral drugs or antibiotics can be properly used according to the cause of disease. Those with severe systemic symptoms should stay in bed and rest, drink more water and eat liquid, and use antiviral drugs or antibiotics via intravenous route. Chronic pharyngitis, adhere to outdoor activities, quit smoking and drinking, keep the indoor air fresh, actively treat chronic respiratory inflammation such as rhinitis, bronchitis and other systemic diseases, and then take Chinese patent medicine tablets.

No trace of water 2024-04-22 12:04:40

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