Four prescriptions make white-collar workers no longer tired

There's nothing in my dictionary Impossible Ask questions on 2024-06-22 12:05:02
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It is obvious to all that the competition in the modern workplace is fierce. White collars have to deal with the pressure of the workplace in addition to the pressure at home every day, so they feel very tired, which is "heart tired". What should I do if I'm tired? The following four prescriptions introduced by the editor may be very useful for white-collar workers! Let's have a look!

Prescription 1: Reasonably arrange work and life, set realistic goals, and correctly handle interpersonal relationships

The reason why white-collar workers are highly nervous is, on the one hand, due to the heavy workload, on the other hand, related to their own attitude and methods of dealing with problems. For example, many white-collar workers think that only by working hard can they be appreciated and promoted by their superiors; Others lack confidence in their work and often worry that they will be cheated or surpassed by others. There are also problems in working methods, such as work regardless of priorities, doing everything in person, and low efficiency.

White-collar workers should learn to apply the method of overall planning to improve work efficiency. In terms of work and life, there should be a clear boundary. After work, you should have a full rest, instead of thinking about work, you should take part in physical activities to achieve the combination of work and rest, mental work and physical work. If the white-collar workers feel powerless for a long time, they should re position their roles and re evaluate their abilities and their value goals. If the goals are too high, they should adjust their goals to make their goals realistic. Some people with workaholic tendencies should often ask themselves, "Is it work for life or life for work?"; "Is health and life important or career important"; "It is not worthwhile to trade health and life for the development value of the career" to make oneself realize the seriousness of the problem and return to the normal life and work track.

Complex interpersonal relationship is also a factor that induces psychological fatigue of white-collar workers. Therefore, white-collar workers should actively adjust their relationships with people and units to keep themselves, colleagues and units in a good state to maintain a balanced attitude.

Recipe 2: Learn to adjust yourself, relax yourself in time, and maintain psychological balance and tranquility

White collars should learn to adjust themselves and relax themselves in time in view of the long-term high tension of spirit. Such as participating in various sports activities; After work, take a hot bath and chat with family and friends; Weekend travel; You can also use various ways to vent your pent up emotions. In addition, you can also relax at work, such as listening to music while working; Chat with colleagues and talk about jokes; Walk back and forth in the office and stretch your waist; Open the window, look out from the window, take a deep breath and so on. At the same time, in the complex and tense work, we should maintain psychological balance and tranquility. This requires white-collar workers to develop good characters such as cheerful, optimistic and magnanimous, to behave steadily, and to be tolerant, receptive and detached.

Recipe 3: enhance psychological quality, improve anti-interference ability, cultivate multiple interests, and actively divert attention

Due to objective reasons, most white-collar workers have to be in a state of greater work pressure, which requires active adjustment and relaxation on the one hand, and on the other hand, white-collar workers should also actively enhance their psychological quality. For example, adjust and improve your personality and character, control your fluctuating emotions, meet work and challenges with a positive attitude, and treat promotion and salary increase with a proper attitude of not liking what you get or worrying about what you lose, so as to improve your anti-interference ability.

White collar workers should consciously cultivate their interests in many aspects of life, such as mountain climbing, playing ball games, watching movies, playing chess, swimming, and so on. With various interests, on the one hand, you can timely debug and relax yourself, on the other hand, you can effectively shift your attention, so that your mind can shift from work to other things in a timely manner, which is conducive to eliminating tension and fatigue in work.

Recipe 4: Seek external understanding and help

White-collar workers who have psychological problems can often talk to their families and confidants, and those with serious psychological problems can seek treatment from a psychologist. Look for opportunities to participate in psychological training and learning. For example, many large enterprises in the United States, Canada and other countries require employees to participate in psychological training courses such as job stress management and stress relief. At the same time, these countries also require enterprises to provide learning and training opportunities.

There's nothing in my dictionary Impossible 2024-06-24 11:20:41

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