What's wrong with cold sweats

A secluded valley Ask on 2024-04-22 06:23:11
Recommended answer

A cold often sweats because a cold for a long time will lead to a decline in body resistance and physical fitness, which will lead to weakness and sweating. In this case, you should pay attention to keeping warm. You can improve your body resistance through diet. People with colds can take a walk every day, breathe fresh air, enhance heart and lung functions, and reduce the chance of sweating. Some people will sweat when they have a cold because their body temperature is abnormal, such as fever. You can consider taking a bath with warm water to cool down, or you can wipe your forehead or neck with alcohol. Attention should be paid to keep the skin clean and sanitary, and the clothes should be kept dry to avoid aggravating the disease due to wet clothes. For patients with colds and cold sweats, consider using drugs under the guidance of doctors. Drink adequate water and eat more fruits and vegetables during illness. If the cold is serious, it can be treated with oral antiviral drugs, cold granules or antibiotics.

A secluded valley 2024-04-28 18:03:39

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