What are the precautions for cesarean section and confinement?

Wandering Alone Ask questions on 2024-06-23 11:56:09
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Sitting in the confinement is something that almost every Chinese woman has to do after giving birth. The purpose is to recover her health after giving birth. During this period, we have many problems to pay attention to. Compared with mothers who give birth naturally, what is the difference between mothers who give birth by caesarean section and those who give birth after childbirth? What should we pay attention to?

The biggest difference between a natural birth and a caesarean birth is the degree of injury after the birth. Relatively speaking, mothers who give birth naturally are more likely to recover after the birth, but mothers who give birth by caesarean section need to have a healing process. On the whole, there is little difference in the matter of having a baby by caesarean section.

Routine operations such as daily bed rest, body warmth, emotional control and adjustment, etc., we need to follow the routine way of confinement. But at the same time, after all, the need for physical recovery is different. The following matters also need extra attention for mothers who have caesarean section:

1. Pay attention to wound care

Different from the side cut wound of natural delivery, the mother of cesarean section has wounds on her abdomen and inside, which need a long time to recover. Therefore, the period of confinement is also a critical period for wound recovery, so we must pay attention to the daily care of the wound. What we need to pay special attention to is to avoid traction, tearing and infection of wounds.

During normal activities, try to avoid large abdominal movements or overexertion, which may lead to pulling or squeezing to the wound, causing secondary injury to the wound. When you get up, you can lie on your side and slowly push yourself up with the strength of your arms. We also need to try our best to keep the surrounding area of the wound dry, avoid the wound touching water, pay attention to disinfection and cleaning, and avoid infection of the wound affecting the recovery.

2. Pay attention to the collocation of daily diet

The mother of caesarean section also needs to pay attention to eating more food that will help the wound recovery in the postnatal diet. In this process, she should pay attention to taking more protein and vitamins, which will help the wound healing. For example, chicken, fish, and other vegetables and fruits, these light foods are also more conducive to the absorption of nutrients by the body.

In the diet of confinement, lightness is an important taste requirement, and the greasy and spicy food should be avoided as far as possible. Heavy taste is not conducive to the recovery of the body. We can continue to focus on eating less and more meals in daily life, which also helps the body to absorb and utilize food nutrition.

3. Pay attention to loose clothes

Because there are wounds in the abdomen, mothers after caesarean section should pay attention to keeping loose and comfortable in their daily clothes, and don't rush to wear abdominal bands. Because clothes that are too tight and have high elastic pressure are easy to cause unnecessary pressure on the wound, and tight clothes are not breathable enough, the wound is likely to be stuffy and affect the speed of recovery.

4. Pay attention to more activities, but not reluctantly

Getting out of bed more often after childbirth is conducive to the recovery of intestinal function and digestive peristalsis, and maintaining a certain amount of activity can also stimulate muscles and bones that have been lacking in exercise for a long time, and increase the blood circulation of the body. However, in terms of activities, we still need to do what we can. We don't have to force ourselves too much. If we have wounds, we should stay in bed more often.

5. Properly extend the confinement period

In addition to the recovery of abdominal wounds, the operation also involves the recovery of abdominal wounds, which takes a long time to recover. If necessary, you can appropriately extend your confinement period from one month to 42 days, giving your body a longer recovery period.

6. Go for physical examination after birth

In order to better understand the recovery of their bodies, mothers need to go to the hospital to have a specific physical examination when they are born, to see how their bodies are recovering in all aspects, especially whether there are any problems left by their children after childbirth.

Important tips: The biggest difference between mothers who gave birth by caesarean section and those who gave birth naturally lies in the recovery of wounds. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the care of wounds during the confinement period, and more protein and vitamins should be taken in the diet. Daily clothing should be loose, and proper movement should be maintained, which can also extend their own confinement period accordingly, Remember to have a physical examination after the birth.

Wandering Alone 2024-06-24 11:23:00

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