What is the cause of back swelling

Fate is doomed Ask questions at 10:40:19 on April 26, 2024
Recommended answer

Back soreness may be caused by myofascitis of the back. Myofasciitis is mainly caused by non-specific inflammation of muscles and fascia due to trauma, strain and other reasons, resulting in soreness, pain and stiffness of the back. For the treatment of back myofasciitis, we should first pay attention to rest, avoid overwork, and keep the back warm. It can also be treated with non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hot compress, massage, massage and other methods. If there are local pain points, they can also be closed for treatment. These methods can play an anti-inflammatory and analgesic role. Of course, other reasons may also cause acid swelling, such as some bad living habits, spinal lesions, etc., so the specific cause of the disease needs to be determined according to the condition.

Fate is doomed 2024-04-28 17:57:16

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