What causes high uric acid

Missing happiness Ask questions at 22:45:11, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

The increase of blood uric acid is mainly due to the increase of uric acid production or the decrease of uric acid excretion. Some patients have increased uric acid due to excessive uric acid production, some patients have decreased uric acid excretion, and some patients have increased uric acid production with decreased uric acid excretion. There are two reasons for the increase of uric acid production. The first reason is that excessive intake of foods containing high purine, such as animal viscera, broth, hot pot, beer, rice wine, etc., excessive intake of exogenous purine, which causes the increase of uric acid in the body. The second reason is that due to the abnormal metabolism in the body, the endogenous purine production in the body is excessive, which can also cause the rise of blood uric acid. On the other hand, in terms of reducing uric acid excretion, about two-thirds of uric acid excretion passes through the kidney, and one-third passes through the bile duct and intestinal tract. The decrease of uric acid excretion due to kidney disease or taking anti tuberculosis drugs, chemotherapy drugs, etc. can also lead to the increase of blood uric acid in this case.

Missing happiness 2024-06-03 12:22:31

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