How should mammary gland hyperplasia axillary lymph node enlargement be treated?

Forty one flowers for men Ask questions at 20:19:35, April 20, 2024
Recommended answer

Hyperplasia of the breast and enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes are signs of aggravation of the disease. The patient needs to go to the hospital immediately for color ultrasound examination and X-ray examination to determine the nature of the tumor and whether there is any possibility of malignancy. If there is no malignant change in the examination, it is necessary to treat breast hyperplasia in a timely manner. Generally, we can use drugs to soothe the liver, regulate qi, and dissipate swelling, such as Prunella vulgaris powder, Chaihu Shugan powder, etc. In addition, we should pay attention to regulating endocrine. If the breast hyperplasia is found to have a tendency of malignant change, it is more serious and should be removed by surgery immediately. After the operation, take anti-inflammatory drugs under the guidance of the doctor, and pay attention to adjusting the diet, do not eat fatty fried spicy food. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the specific drugs under the guidance of professional doctors according to your own conditions.

Forty one flowers for men 2024-04-22 12:05:06

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