How to deal with the first menstrual blackness after miscarriage

Fight the sword to the ends of the world Ask questions on May 12, 2024-11:31:56
Recommended answer

It is also normal for the first menstruation to darken after abortion. The puerpera can continue to observe 2 to 3 menstruations, and most of them can return to normal. If the symptoms do not ease or continue to worsen, they need to see a doctor in time. After miscarriage, women's health is weak, and the reproductive system also needs some time to recover. In general, it is recommended to rest for at least 2 weeks after abortion. The larger the number of weeks of pregnancy, the longer the time required. After abortion, patients should pay attention to vaginal bleeding and physical abnormalities. Generally, there will be a small amount of bleeding in the vagina within two weeks after the abortion. The amount of bleeding is less than or equal to the amount of menstruation, which can be discharged within two weeks. The blackening of the first menstruation after induced abortion is mostly caused by the decrease of menstruation volume due to the endocrine disorder of abortion and the damage of endometrium. Generally, menstruation can return to normal 2~3 months after abortion. If more than 3 months later, the amount or color of menstrual bleeding has not returned to normal, which is mostly caused by endometrial damage or uterine adhesion during artificial abortion, hysteroscopy should be performed in time and treatment should be carried out to avoid affecting the prognosis of the disease.

Fight the sword to the ends of the world 2024-05-13 11:11:06

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