Symptoms of male pubic folliculitis

Noon sun Ask questions on 2024-05-14 20:32:18
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Folliculitis is a suppurative inflammation caused by bacterial infection of the entire hair follicle. Staphylococcus is the main pathogen, and sometimes Staphylococcus epidermidis can be isolated. Unclean, scratching or low body resistance may be the inducement of this disease. The initial symptoms of male pubic folliculitis are red plump papules consistent with the hair follicle mouth, or follicular pustulosis. Later, it quickly developed into papular pustules, with hair running through the middle, and red halo around with inflammation. Then it dried and crusted. About a week later, it could be crusted and healed. But there are also recurrent attacks, which have not healed for many years. Some folliculitis can also develop into deep infection, forming furuncles, carbuncles, and generally leaving no scars. The number of folliculitis is large, scattered in isolation, and conscious of mild pain.

Noon sun 2024-05-20 11:31:10

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