How to remove ab glue

Jungle red maple Ask questions on 2024-06-10 21:56:21
Recommended answer

AB glue is a common two-component glue, usually composed of resin and curing agent. If you need to remove the AB glue, you can try the following methods:

1. Use scissors or scraper to gently scrape off the surface of AB glue.

2. Use organic solvents such as methanol, acetic acid or acetone to coat the surface of AB glue, wait for a few minutes, and then wipe it with a scraper or gauze.

3. Use hot water or steam to heat the AB adhesive to a softened state, and then wipe it with a scraper or gauze.

4. Use a special AB adhesive remover, apply it on the surface of AB adhesive, and wait for a few minutes before wiping it with a scraper or gauze.

It should be noted that different AB glue removal methods may have different effects on different surface materials, so it is better to test before use. In addition, when using organic solvent or AB glue remover, pay attention to protective measures, such as wearing gloves, masks, etc.

Jungle red maple 2024-06-11 11:33:45

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