How to treat leucorrhea with yellow and peculiar smell

imbued with supreme heroism Ask questions on 2024-05-11 20:43:30
Recommended answer

Normal female leucorrhea is in the form of thin paste or egg white, which is thick, small in amount, and free of odor. It is called physiological leucorrhea. If the leucorrhea turns yellow and has a peculiar smell, it may be trichomonal vaginitis or bacterial vaginitis infection, and you need to go to the hospital for smear of secretion. If it is bacterial vaginitis infection, metronidazole is the first choice in the treatment of systemic medication. Because trichomonal vaginitis may have trichomonal infection of the urethra, paraurethral glands, and vestibular glands at the same time, it requires systemic medication to cure the disease. The alternative medicine is tinidazole, which can occasionally cause gastrointestinal reactions and anorexia after taking the medicine. During the medication period of metronidazole, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, and it is inappropriate to use metronidazole during lactation. If bacterial vaginosis is suspected, metronidazole drugs can also be selected for treatment, which can be taken orally or locally. Metronidazole inhibits the growth of anaerobic bacteria and does not affect the growth of lactobacillus. It is an ideal therapeutic drug. At ordinary times, pay attention to sexual hygiene, keep the vulva clean and dry, and do not wear tight underpants. And when bacterial vaginitis, it is best to conduct routine treatment for sexual partners.

imbued with supreme heroism 2024-05-13 11:05:23

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