What to eat for gastric ulcer

Yangtze River and Yellow River Ask questions at 16:59:33, May 25, 2024
Recommended answer

It is better to eat light and digestible food for gastric ulcer, and it also needs to be combined with medicine, physical therapy and other conditioning. People with a history of gastric ulcer need to eat regularly and try to be light. Eating easily digestible food is beneficial to the recovery of the disease, such as oats, vegetables, apples, pitaya, etc. It can also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis to help digestion, so as to avoid repeated indigestion symptoms affecting the quality of life. Patients with gastric ulcer such as eggs, meat and dairy products can also eat properly. They should eat less and eat more meals to avoid overeating, so as not to increase the burden on the stomach. If the symptoms of dyspepsia are obvious, drug treatment is also needed, including gastrointestinal motility promoting drugs, acid inhibiting and stomach protecting drugs, etc. The combination of gastrointestinal physiotherapy can also regulate gastrointestinal diseases, such as moxibustion, acupuncture, Chinese medicine ironing, etc. Adherence to treatment can promote the gradual recovery of the disease.

Yangtze River and Yellow River 2024-05-27 11:19:01

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