What kind of medicine is good for hemorrhoids

To succeed, you must be strong Ask on 2024-05-22 07:54:10
Recommended answer

The choice of oral drugs for hemorrhoid patients is mainly based on the different clinical symptoms of patients. Because the common symptoms of hemorrhoids include bloody stool, prolapse or local anal pain, and some patients even have constipation, local anal damp and itching and other accompanying symptoms, it is necessary to first carry out relevant examinations and diagnosis on the symptoms of patients. If it is mainly hematochezia or local prolapse of tumor, you can choose to take orally Diyuhuaijiao Pill and Diosmin Tablet under the guidance of a doctor for symptomatic treatment. If the patient is accompanied by dry stool or constipation, it is also necessary to take Maren soft capsule orally. If the local anal itching or obvious humidity is caused by the repeated prolapse of hemorrhoids, in addition to oral drugs, it is more necessary to choose the lotion for eliminating dampness and relieving itching to wash the local anal area.

To succeed, you must be strong 2024-05-27 10:37:50

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