What medicine to take for arrhythmia

A man of peace Ask questions at 11:39:55 on May 16, 2024
Recommended answer

If there is a problem with arrhythmia, first of all, we need to improve the dynamic electrocardiogram, heart color ultrasound, myocardial enzyme and other examinations to see what causes the arrhythmia and the type of arrhythmia. If there is a problem with sinus tachycardia, we need to further improve the A function and blood routine examination to determine the cause and treat it according to the cause, If it is the problem of premature heart beat, it depends on whether it is ventricular or supraventricular tachycardia, and the number of attacks per day. If the number of attacks is not very large, you can take Betaloc, Shensong Yangxin Capsule and other drugs for conservative treatment. If the conservative treatment is ineffective, you need to do surgery. At present, the commonly used surgery is radiofrequency ablation, However, the disease may recur after surgery, so we should pay attention to improving our lifestyle and take regular reexamination.

A man of peace 2024-05-20 11:31:17

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