How to recuperate from weakness

Low profile is a mistake Ask questions at 15:32:23, April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this situation is mostly caused by the weakness of the spleen and stomach, the deficiency of qi and blood, and the dampness of the body. In terms of conditioning, firstly, you can use Shenling Baizhu Pill, Buzhong Yiqi Pill, Guipi Pill, Xiangsha Liujunzi Pill, Xiangsha Yangwei Pill, Jianpi Pill and other drugs for conditioning. At ordinary times, you can use astragalus, Dangshen, tangerine peel, tuckahoe, Drink lotus leaves in water; Second, we should take more outdoor sports to strengthen our physique. Through sports, we can promote the movement of qi and blood throughout the body, which is conducive to the discharge of moisture. But we should not let ourselves sweat heavily, which is easy to damage the body's qi and blood; Third, in terms of diet, we should pay attention to the light diet. We should not eat too many raw, cold and sticky food, especially sweet food, fried food and cold drinks. We should not indulge too much. We should not smoke and drink. We should not stay up late. We should also control our emotions and not get angry.

Low profile is a mistake 2024-04-28 17:58:24

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