Side effects of telmisartan capsules

Afternoon tea fragrance Ask questions at 16:51:03, April 18, 2024
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Telmisartan capsule is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, which mainly treats essential hypertension. In the placebo controlled trial, the incidence of adverse reactions of telmisartan and placebo was generally similar. The occurrence of adverse reactions was not related to the dose, nor to the gender, age and race of the patients. Systemic adverse reactions include back pain, chest pain, flu like symptoms and infection symptoms; Vertigo may occur in the central and peripheral nervous systems; The gastrointestinal system may have abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, gastrointestinal dysfunction, etc; Joint pain, leg spasm or leg pain and myalgia can be seen in the musculoskeletal system; Respiratory system may have upper respiratory tract infection, including pharyngitis and rhinitis, and skin abnormalities such as eczema. In addition, individual cases reported syncope, insomnia, depression, hypotension, dyspnea, eosinophilia, and thrombocytopenia.

Afternoon tea fragrance 2024-04-22 12:12:22

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