Seven tips for saying no to others

Move in another direction Ask questions on 2024-06-23 11:54:26
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Have you ever felt that you are not willing to agree to others, but because you are not good at rejecting others, you do things you are unwilling to do. I believe many friends have experienced this feeling, so how should we say no in life?

1. Prioritize. The first step in saying "no" is to figure out what matters in your life. The more you stick to the key points in life, the easier it will be to say "no".

2. Be grateful. Usually people come to you for help because they trust you and believe in your ability to help them. Refusing others kindly will show that you are not rejecting the person, but only aiming at the matter.

3. Negative positive rejection method. When rejecting others, we adopt a new positive negative positive rejection method. First, tell the other person your reason (for example, "My mother and I always have the habit of sharing breakfast on Saturday morning"). Then, express your rejection ("So I can't help you prepare the lunch meeting"). Finally, it ends with a positive new alternative ("But I would be happy to help you clean up after the lunch meeting").

4. Think twice before you answer. This is another mistake I often make myself. Whenever someone asks me for help, my instinctive response is "Of course, it's OK to leave this matter to me". To avoid hasty consent under pressure or sentimentality about other people's requests, you should spend a few hours or a day thinking about it before responding to requests. Think about the stakes, the price you really have to pay, and whether it is reasonable to agree to this request.

5. Be concise and to the point. I often make this mistake myself - always apologizing to others for saying "no", so that I will eventually persuade myself to agree to others' requirements. From this, I understand that you never need to apologize for what you should do. One sentence is enough to explain what is important to you and makes you unable to meet the requirements of the other party.

6. Insist on your own opinion. After you say "no", you can't compromise even if the other party is angry or impulsive. Instead, listen carefully to the other party's opinions and calmly restate your position of rejection. Be firm and don't shrink back.

7. Pre emptive. In our life, there are always some people who will never stop making unreasonable demands. To deal with these people, you have to preemptively state your current priorities. If this person is your boss, you should first reach a consensus with him or her on your work scope. If your boss puts forward more requirements, remind him or her of your previous consensus.

The above seven points are the "no" tips that should be mastered in the big life, which can help people avoid doing things they do not want to do in life and is more conducive to their mental health. So I hope you can master the above tips and learn how to say "no".

Move in another direction 2024-06-24 11:21:51

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