What is lumbago after hysterectomy

No more love songs Ask questions on 2024-05-28 18:26:05
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Women with severe adenomyosis, endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, etc. consider surgery to remove the uterus. After hysterectomy, a small number of women will suffer from lumbar pain, which is caused by adhesion and traction of pelvic ligaments during recovery after hysterectomy, and also by epidural anesthesia during hysterectomy. Therefore, after hysterectomy, physical activity should be prohibited for three months, and sexual life should be prohibited for six months. Proper physical therapy and waist exercises should be done to relieve the pain in the waist. At the same time, moxibustion can also be considered for conditioning under the guidance of doctors.

No more love songs 2024-06-03 12:24:45

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