What is the pain inside the breast and itching outside

Everything is like smoke Ask questions on May 6, 2024-18:39:51
Recommended answer

The pain inside and itching outside the breast of patients are often considered to be caused by endocrine disorders, breast nodules and hyperplasia of the breast. When the symptoms of breast itching and pain appear, it is recommended to go to the local regular Grade III A hospital for general surgery for a clear diagnosis. When necessary, it is also necessary to check the color ultrasound of the breast and determine the hormone level, and then carry out targeted treatment under the guidance of the doctor according to the diagnosis results. It is suggested that patients should avoid mental stress and depression, and maintain a good attitude and a happy mood. Don't eat spicy and stimulating food, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, drink more water, and take proper exercise.

Everything is like smoke 2024-05-13 11:22:44

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