Where are the lung bases

leaf Ask questions on 2024-05-28 03:44:28
Recommended answer

The lungs are located in the chest cavity, on both sides of the mediastinum, one on the left and one on the left above the septum. The right lung is shorter and wider than the left lung due to the influence of a single position. The left lung has a narrow and slightly longer journey due to the influence of the heart turning to the left. The specific position of both lungs can also lead to its higher or lower position due to disease. Normally, the lower lung element is higher than the lower boundary of the pleura at the height of two ribs, or the height of two thoracic vertebrae, When breathing quietly, the lower boundary of the lung is at the midclavicle, the pharyngeal midline and the scapular line intersect the sixth rib, the eighth rib and the tenth rib respectively. When the ground is leveled at the posterior midline, the thoracic spine spinous process. The lower boundary of the lung in children is generally a rib higher than that in adults, which is normal. The lower boundary of both lungs can be raised in many patients due to the fat person, for example, congenital diseases can also cause it to be raised, while the slender person can also cause the lower boundary of the lungs to be lower, even to reach the level of the twelfth rib, and make changes, such as the pathological changes under the diaphragm or liver, can also make the bottom of the lungs rise, emphysema patients, It can lower the boundary of lung bottom.

leaf 2024-06-03 12:34:50

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