What is the cause of heavy beriberi

As blue as heart Ask questions at 05:09:24, May 11, 2024
Recommended answer

Beriberi is a skin disease caused by fungal infection. The heavy beriberi is caused by a variety of factors. The first is that the selected shoes are not very comfortable. After all, people are busy at work. Wearing shoes that are not breathable for a long time will cause serious sweating, leading to bacterial infection. Secondly, they don't pay much attention to foot hygiene. It is suggested that individuals should develop a good health habit and try not to wear the same shoes with others. Diet may also lead to heavy beriberi, so you must eat nutritious food, develop a good eating habit, and do not eat greasy and spicy food. We should also strengthen our own actual resistance and take part in more sports to speed up blood circulation and prevent beriberi.

As blue as heart 2024-05-13 11:20:31

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