How to reduce urea nitrogen when it is too high

Life is so hard that some lies are better not to be exposed Ask questions at 13:31:25 on April 22, 2024
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To reduce urea nitrogen, first of all, we need to identify the cause of the increase, and then targeted treatment. If it is a simple increase in urea nitrogen, drug treatment is generally not required. Urea nitrogen is easily affected by other factors, such as excessive intake of high protein food, fever, and strenuous exercise, which may cause the increase in urea nitrogen. If the blood urea nitrogen and creatinine increase at the same time, it indicates that the renal function is damaged, which often represents renal insufficiency. It is necessary to further clarify the cause of renal insufficiency, and targeted treatment should be carried out. Drugs for detoxification and kidney protection should be used, such as Jinshuibao capsule, Niaoduqing granule, etc. It is necessary to treat primary diseases, such as controlling blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, and reducing urinary protein. If it is caused by acute factors, it needs to be treated by supplementing blood, fluid and relieving obstruction factors.

Life is so hard that some lies are better not to be exposed 2024-04-28 17:51:40

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