Treatment of liver ascites

Look at the white clouds floating in the sky Ask questions at 04:56:54, April 18, 2024
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The treatment of liver ascites is mainly comprehensive treatment, because liver ascites represents the late stage of liver disease and is a decompensated cirrhosis, which is difficult to control and needs to find the cause. If it is considered to be caused by viral hepatitis and requires antiviral treatment, this change in liver function is irreversible, so it is necessary to take drugs for a long time. If it is considered to be caused by alcoholic liver disease and hyperlipidemia, it is necessary to abstain from alcohol, reduce blood fat, etc. If it is an external disease, it is necessary to select a treatment method for the external disease. The elimination of the etiology is very complicated, and the symptoms also need to be solved. If ascites causes obvious abdominal distension, it needs diuresis, liver protection and drainage. If necessary, ascites can be properly discharged for puncture and drainage. Some patients have low colloid osmotic pressure and hypoproteinemia, and need to supplement nutrition and protein to correct systemic dysfunction.

Look at the white clouds floating in the sky 2024-04-22 11:55:23

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