Can you take progesterone during menopause

Try your best Ask questions on 2024-04-19 01:57:22
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Whether you can take progesterone during menopause needs to be judged according to the actual situation. During the menopause, everyone has different physical conditions and symptoms. If the hormone level in women's body is unbalanced during childbirth, they can take progesterone under the guidance of the doctor, which can supplement the progesterone lacking in the body and regulate the hormone imbalance symptoms. However, if there is no symptom of hormone imbalance in the body, it is generally unnecessary to take progesterone. During the menopause, some women are more likely to suffer from upset, irritable, insomnia, dreaminess and other symptoms, so they can choose to use drugs to nourish yin and blood, qi and calm nerves.

Try your best 2024-04-22 11:56:34

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