Cough causes headache

Flat Mirror Coast Ask on April 27, 2024 01:33:04
Recommended answer

Cough may cause headache, which may be caused by muscle vibration caused by severe cough, which may lead to muscle tension in the neck and back occipital region squeezing nerves, or it may be caused by severe cough, which may affect the respiratory function, resulting in hypoxia in the blood, which may lead to hypoxia in the brain. When the brain is hypoxic, it is easy to have brain edema and increase the intracranial pressure, so it will cause headache. So this headache depends on whether it is paroxysmal or persistent. If the vibration causes pain in the back occipital muscles when coughing, it is muscle pain caused by cough vibration. Pain killers and antitussive drugs can be used for treatment. If there is pain in the head when there is no cough, it may be that the hypoxia intracranial pressure increases. Drugs to reduce intracranial pressure can be used, and cough should be controlled accordingly.

Flat Mirror Coast 2024-04-28 18:06:39

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