What to eat after hemorrhoid surgery

The years at your fingertips Ask questions at 16:15:28 on May 24, 2024
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On the day after hemorrhoid surgery, you can basically choose some clear fluid. What is clear fluid? Clear liquid is a kind of liquid food that does not contain some gas producing food, and has very little residue or dietary fiber, which is lighter than the common liquid diet. For example, some filtered broth, filtered rice soup, vegetable soup, or some filtered fruit juice, relatively light lotus root powder can be used 1 to 2 days after surgery. Two or three days after the operation, you can choose to transition to liquid diet, and the third or fourth day you can transition to some semi liquid diet, which is commonly rice porridge and rotten noodles. But it is not allowed to add some vegetables at this time, especially leafy vegetables. Vegetables with more dietary fiber cannot be added at this time to avoid the irritation of wounds caused by more feces. One week or ten days after the operation, you can choose some fresh vegetables and fruits with less dietary fiber. Of course, you should try to choose some cool food to avoid blood in the stool. In the process of cooking, it is important to avoid choosing some spicy and exciting food, and also avoid choosing some spicy and exciting condiments.

The years at your fingertips 2024-05-27 11:21:28

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