What medicine to take for arrhythmia

Walk alone in the wilderness Ask questions on May 16, 2024-55:49
Recommended answer

Arrhythmias are abnormal cardiac electrical activities caused by abnormal origin or conduction function of heart impulses. Electrocardiograms can be divided into fast and slow arrhythmias. According to the specific types of arrhythmias, different drugs are selected. Common antiarrhythmic drugs are divided into four categories: 1. Class Ia: quinidine, procainamide, Class Ib: lidocaine, mexiletine, Class Ic: propafenone, flucarney, and encarney; 2. Beta blocker: metoprolol, carvedilol; 3. Potassium ion antagonists: amiodarone, sotalol; 4. Calcium antagonists: diltiazem, verapamil, etc.

Walk alone in the wilderness 2024-05-20 11:31:17

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