How to deal with itching and allergy

Yangtze River and Yellow River Ask questions at 22:51:31, April 18, 2024
Recommended answer

If you have itching and allergy, you can take oral drugs. Antihistamines such as levocetirizine and desloratadine can be used together. If the drug effect is not obvious, you can double the dosage, up to four times. You can also use calamine lotion externally, which has obvious antipruritic effect. It is better not to scratch when itching, because scratching is easy to cause other injuries. After clinical cure of allergy, insist on taking medicine for one week to consolidate the treatment results. The common disease of itching and allergy on the body is urticaria, that is, wheal. It starts quickly and disappears quickly, leaving no trace after it disappears. There is also eczema, but the more wetted the more serious it is, the more serious it is in case of heat, the more serious it is in case of water, and the symmetry occurs. The drug rash can also be itchy on the one hand, and also caused by drug allergy on the other hand. It is better to apply calamine lotion externally, shake it well, and then apply it to relieve itching.

Yangtze River and Yellow River 2024-04-22 12:01:27

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