What is constipation?

Settle down and look forward to the future Ask questions on May 30, 2024-14:32:42
Recommended answer

Constipation is a kind of difficulty in excreting stool. Sometimes the stool becomes hard, which is called constipation, but some stool is not dry, but it is difficult to excrete, which is also called constipation. But many patients can't understand it. Sometimes they say that you are also constipated. They say that I don't have dry stools, but in fact, when I have difficulty discharging, it should be called constipation. Once constipation occurs, I suggest that you immediately correct it, because ordinary constipation is very good to treat. For example, temporary constipation is also very good to treat, but if it is mistreated or not treated in time, the treatment will be delayed. At this time, the simple and common constipation has been dragged into habitual constipation or stubborn constipation, which is very difficult to treat. All kinds of drugs and treatments need a long time to recuperate, which may be able to cure constipation. Therefore, it is very important to solve small problems in time. Constipation is a very common problem. Almost everyone in our life, no matter what stage, it may be a certain period, or it may be a certain period, may encounter such problems. So I think we should have a clear understanding of constipation, so that we can prevent constipation, which is a necessary knowledge to master.

Settle down and look forward to the future 2024-06-03 12:22:38

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