Mom wants to lose weight after childbirth! Each of the four kinds of meals is served every day, and you will lose 8 jin after eating for one month

let nature take its course Ask questions on June 21, 2024-14:32:32
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Cousin Dandan has been asking me about nutrition during pregnancy since she was pregnant. She eats according to my opinion, and only gained 20 kg during the whole pregnancy. It can't be seen from the back that she is pregnant. But after giving birth to the baby, she was busy with her hands and feet in the first few days because of breast-feeding. She ate fish and meat every day according to her mother-in-law's method, After 42 days of confinement, she stood on the scale, and the whole person collapsed. She gave birth to a child of 6 kg and 6 liang. In addition, the amniotic fluid placenta should have lost 10 kg in any way. The weight should only be 10 kg heavier than when she was not pregnant, but she came out 42 days after childbirth and weighed 15 kg more than when she was not pregnant!

Now, during breast-feeding, she dare not eat less casually and ask me on WeChat how to eat to be nutritious and slim!

I told my cousin that it is very important not to eat fat meat but skin when eating chicken. It is also important not to eat sweet things. What is more important is to start with the food you eat every day. As long as you eat the right food, it is easy to lose weight!

My cousin said that she ate white rice every day? I said that you should eat white rice, but you can't eat more. If you want to lose weight after childbirth, you must eat four kinds of rice, white rice, whole grains, beans and potatoes. If you change four kinds of rice every day, you will lose weight easily.

The Diet Pagoda of Chinese Residents in Lactation suggests that we should eat 300-350 grams of staple food every day during the lactation period. If you want to lose weight now, you should eat 300 grams every day, and divide the 300 grams of staple food into four portions, 75 grams each, so you can eat 75 grams of white rice, 75 grams of whole grains, 75 grams of beans, and 75 grams of potatoes every day.

My cousin hurried to the market to buy all kinds of sorghum, oats, corn, as well as red beans, eyebrow beans, peas, and potatoes, yams, and sweet potatoes. She ate these foods in turn every day when cooking. She also bought a food scale on the Internet. Every day, 75 grams of rice, beans, whole grains, and potatoes were weighed, just through the improvement of rice, After eating for a month, she lost 8 jin!

If you want to lose weight after giving birth, you can divide the staple food into four kinds. One serving each day can make your mother lose 8 kg a month.

Don't just eat white rice after childbirth. These three coarse grains are nutritious and can help you lose weight

Whole grains mainly refer to oats, sorghum, highland barley, black rice, red rice and other grains containing germ.

Miscellaneous beans refer to all kinds of beans except soybeans, such as adzuki beans, red beans, red beans, eyebrow beans, peas, etc.

Potatoes refer to sweet potatoes, taro, yams, potatoes and so on.

These three kinds of rice belong to coarse grain. Eating coarse grain has three advantages

★ Rich dietary fiber

It can stimulate the mother's intestinal peristalsis and prevent her from postpartum constipation. Many mothers eat like fish and meat after childbirth, but because they have to take their children without time to exercise, it is easy to cause constipation because of the slow intestinal peristalsis. Regular consumption of coarse grain dietary fiber can prevent constipation.

★ Strong sense of satiety reduces the amount of food

When mothers breastfeed after childbirth, it is easy to be hungry because they have to breastfeed. At this time, mothers eat more coarse grains containing dietary fiber. Because there is more dietary fiber, they will feel full, so they can reduce the amount of food they eat. In addition, mothers will have a longer time to be full, and they will not want to eat other snacks because of hunger.

★ Rich B vitamins

These whole grains, beans and potatoes will contain rich B vitamins, which can promote the digestion and metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrates. These substances are well digested and metabolized, which can also make mothers easier to lose weight after childbirth. In addition, B vitamins can also make the nutrition in breast milk more balanced, and more comprehensively contribute to the health of the baby.

How does mother eat rice after childbirth? Did you know that?

let nature take its course 2024-06-24 11:23:03

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