Ranking of five major urban areas in Chengdu

Time told me not to look back Ask on 2024-06-04 20:16:53
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According to the data released by Chengdu Municipal Government, the five major urban districts in Chengdu are ranked as follows:

1. Wuhou District: Wuhou District is the core business district of Chengdu and one of the richest and most prosperous areas in Chengdu. Wuhou District has a large number of high-end commercial, cultural, educational, medical and other resources, and is also one of the main tourist areas in Chengdu.

2. Jinjiang District: Located in the center of Chengdu, Jinjiang District is the political, cultural and economic center of Chengdu, as well as a famous historical and cultural city of Chengdu. Jinjiang District has a large number of historical and cultural sites and scenic spots, and is also one of the core commercial, financial and tourism areas in Chengdu.

3. Qingyang District: Qingyang District is a famous historical and cultural district in Chengdu and one of the commercial, financial and cultural centers of Chengdu. Qingyang District has a large number of historical and cultural sites and scenic spots, and is also a gathering place of high-end commercial, cultural, educational, medical and other resources in Chengdu.

4. Chenghua District: Chenghua District is the industrial base and scientific and technological innovation zone of Chengdu, as well as one of the commercial, financial and cultural centers of Chengdu. Chenghua District has a large number of high-tech enterprises and innovative enterprises, and is also one of the main commercial, financial and tourism areas in Chengdu.

5. High tech Zone: As a high-tech industrial park in Chengdu, the High tech Zone is also the scientific and technological innovation center and key area of economic development in Chengdu. The High tech Zone has a large number of high-tech enterprises and innovative enterprises, and is also one of the main commercial, financial and tourism areas in Chengdu.

Time told me not to look back 2024-06-11 11:40:44

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