Efficacy and Function of Ganoderma Syrup

Winter snow Ask questions at 14:41:00, 2024-05-17
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In clinical practice, the specific efficacy and functions of Ganoderma lucidum syrup are mainly analyzed in the following aspects: 1. The specific efficacy of Ganoderma lucidum syrup is to nourish the heart, calm the mind, strengthen the spleen and stomach. 2. The specific function of Ganoderma lucidum syrup is clinically mainly used to treat the symptoms of palpitation and shortness of breath in patients, and has a very good alleviating effect on insomnia. For patients with neurasthenia, anorexia and other conditions also have a very good effect. Ganoderma lucidum syrup is commonly used in clinic, and the main component of the medicine is Ganoderma lucidum. There are many precautions during the application of Ganoderma lucidum syrup. For example, diabetic patients should use this product with caution, those allergic to this product should not use it, and those allergic to this product should use Ganoderma lucidum syrup with caution. This product is suitable for taking after meals. If the symptoms do not improve or worsen after taking the medicine for one week, you need to stop taking the drug and go to the hospital.

Winter snow 2024-05-20 11:29:56

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