What does left breast nodule mean

Lonely arrow Ask questions on 2024-05-31 12:18:32
Recommended answer

Breast nodule is a common condition in women. If a nodule is found in the left breast, we need to do color ultrasound or molybdenum bar examination to further understand whether the shape of the nodule is regular, whether the capsule is complete, whether the boundary is clear, whether the blood flow inside is rich, whether there is calcification, and so on. After comprehensive evaluation and judgment of these signs, color ultrasound or molybdenum target will classify them. If the classification is classified or below three categories, more than 98% of such nodules are considered benign. If it is not large, this kind of regular review is OK, without special intervention and treatment. However, if it is classified into four or more categories, in general, clinical practice suggests that further puncture or nodule resection should be carried out for pathological tests to determine whether it is benign or malignant, and then further treatment plans should be determined according to the test results.

Lonely arrow 2024-06-03 12:22:31

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