What can I eat after hemorrhoid surgery

Water billow Ask questions at 10:50:58 on May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Hemorrhoid surgery needs to pay attention to light diet, eat less and eat more meals, and develop a good diet. 1、 One week after the operation, you should eat a light diet, not eat big fish and meat, and not drink alcohol, such as white wine and beer. 2、 After a week, you can slowly resume your normal diet. When the intestinal tract returns to normal, the patient can eat what he likes, but not too much. For example, patients usually like to eat pepper and eat too much, but the amount of pepper they eat after hemorrhoid surgery is up to half of the previous amount. 3、 Have regular meals, three meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner, especially breakfast. It can stimulate the intestinal tract normally, promote normal defecation, and reduce the occurrence of postoperative complications of hemorrhoids due to defecation. At the same time, attention should be paid to strengthening physical exercise, proper exercise, drinking more warm water and eating fruits and vegetables properly.

Water billow 2024-05-20 11:38:15

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