Can I take levofloxacin for sore throat

Lifetime commitment Ask questions at 22:41:13, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

If the sore throat is very obvious, it will affect drinking and eating. If it is accompanied by fever, you can use levofloxacin antibiotics, and the effect is OK. However, if there are no systemic symptoms, the sore throat is not particularly obvious. Antibiotics are not recommended, but Chinese patent medicines can be used to treat pharyngitis, and lozenges, mouthwashes and hormone atomization can be used locally. In life, we should avoid spicy and stimulating food, drink more water, and do not drink alcohol. Usually, after such comprehensive treatment, the symptoms will obviously improve in about seven days. If the symptoms do not improve but worsen after medication, you must go to the hospital to avoid complications, such as peritonsillitis and peritonsillitis abscess.

Lifetime commitment 2024-04-22 12:11:55

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