Procedure of varicocele surgery

Soar in the sky Ask questions on 2024-05-16 21:54:24
Recommended answer

Varicocele surgery mainly includes traditional surgery, microsurgery or laparoscopic surgery. The traditional operation needs to make an opening of about 4cm in the groin. After entering the peritoneum, the varicose blood vessels are found and ligated and cut off to complete the operation. The ligation of spermatic vein under the microscope is to open an opening about 2cm above the pubic bone, free the spermatic cord, and find the varicocele spermatic vein under the microscope for complete ligation. Laparoscopic varicocele ligation requires three holes to be punched in the abdomen, and then access to the ligation instrument. With the help of the monitor, find the varicocele vessels for cutting and ligation.

Soar in the sky 2024-05-20 11:33:39

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