How to prepare for pregnancy Teach you how to successfully conceive

Concealment Ask on 2024-06-22 16:27:25
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It is always the pursuit of many couples to conceive the next generation, because the next generation is not only a continuation of life, but also a witness of two people's love. However, when planning to conceive the next generation, we should pay attention to the preparation work, so that we can get pregnant faster and have a healthy baby.

1: The mood must be relaxed

1: The mood is very important. The more anxious and thinking about it, the less likely it is to succeed. Don't take it seriously. It's just a natural law. How many people have come here.

2: Must be in good health

1: (1) Eat. Eat as much as you can, no matter whether you are fat or not, but basically do not eat fried food and cold food, such as white radish. The same fruit basically does not eat cold fruits, such as watermelon and cantaloupe.

(2) Sleep. Sleep is very important, and early to bed and early to rise is more important. The hematopoietic time of the human body is mainly from 22:00 to 02:00. You must ensure that you fall asleep during this time, and it is best to achieve a sound sleep state.

(3) Exercise. It doesn't matter what kind of exercise you choose. The important thing is to fit yourself. The suggestion is to choose a slow and relaxed way of exercise as far as possible. You can take a walk and practice yoga, and do not advocate strenuous exercise, such as playing badminton and swimming.

3: Physiological laws must be mastered

1: (1) Prepare a small notebook every month to record the date and days of the coming tide, the color and weight of the menstrual cycle, the interval between two months, whether there is dysmenorrhea, backache, constipation or diarrhea, etc. The female students who are not in tune with each other every month should especially do this job well. The date is best recorded in the lunar calendar. If the month * period is relatively regular, the lunar calendar date will be particularly accurate, and there will be no significant advance or delay. For example, the month * since the third day of May (5.26) in the lunar calendar, calculated by the cycle of 30 days, should be the third day of June (6.25) in the lunar calendar. If some people really want to be lazy, they must at least record the month * tide date, days and interval.

(2) Ovulation day. The basal body temperature can only be used as a reference index, and the ovulation situation cannot be judged by this index alone. The cervical mucus method should be used for periodic calculation, ovulation test paper test, and basal body temperature measurement. If you want to have a baby, you must know your own ovulation period. It is better to calculate the ovulation date, and then concentrate on AA in the first two days and the last one day of the ovulation day. The probability of having a baby is higher.

There are many methods to calculate the ovulation day, and the ovulation test paper will be more accurate. Test once a day during the ovulation period, or once a day a few days before and after the ovulation day. In the days when the parallel bars are measured, AA will be arranged to effectively improve the hit rate.

The basic body temperature, also known as resting body temperature, refers to the body temperature measured when a woman wakes up from a deep sleep in the morning after 6-8 hours of sleep, and the body temperature has not been affected by exercise, diet or emotional changes. The basic body temperature is usually the lowest body temperature in a day and night. The basic body temperature of women of normal childbearing age changes periodically, just like the monthly cycle, and this body temperature change is related to ovulation. Monitor the ovulation day summary, timely arrange * life, and have a higher probability of pregnancy in the next day of ovulation.

4: Prospective parents preparing for pregnancy

They are very concerned about the successful experience of pregnancy preparation. Pregnant couples must have healthy diet, quit smoking and drinking, so that the baby will be healthier. In the ovulation period, increase the number of roommates, especially at 5-7 p.m., which is most suitable for pregnancy.

Concealment 2024-06-24 11:28:26

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